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Misc Spells

A collection of all kinds of different magic spells for various purposes.

Spell To Get A Literary Agent For A Writer

Spell To Get A Literary Agent For A Writer

The request: "So what alter sacrifice or ritual do you suggest for hunting-and-gathering a literary agent in the new year?"

Here is the simple spell; and you can replace "agent" with any other type of person you want to attract who needs to see "the star inside."

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5 x Spell Against Self Harm

5 x Spell Against Self Harm

There is an epidemic of young people turning to self harm, hurting themselves and self mutilation to deal with their overwhelming negative emotions.

Here are five modern energy magic spells for self harm that are easy to do and need no complicated rituals or ingredients whatsoever.

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Spell For Change

Spell For Change

Do you want CHANGE in your life? Big change? Have you gotten to the point where everything needs to change because it just can't go on like this any longer? Here is a simple spell for change, without ingredients. 

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Easter Magic - Magic Spells For Easter, Imbolc and Oestara

Easter Magic - Magic Spells For Easter, Imbolc and Oestara

In the natural magic calendar, the spring festival is aligned with the spring equinox, around March 21st, called Imbolc. It is the day in spring when the nights and days are the exact same length. The original "Easter" festival was related to Oestara, the goddess of dawn, Eos in Greek and the much older Babylonian Ishtar, the goddess of sex, war and fertility. The Christians liked to assimilate the existing festivals and now we have Easter, but the traditional magic of  giving each other eggs is bigger today than ever; and of course, we all know what bunnies are particularly well known for! Here are some ideas for energy magic spells for Easter, including the rather fabulous Easter Bunch or Osterstrauch tradition which is excellent for families and a great magic exercise for kids.

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The THANK YOU  Spell


A heart felt THANK YOU is one of the most powerful blessings. Here is the "Thank You" spell. Practice this often, do this often. It has powerful positive effects on your incarnation.

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