Magic, Spells & Potions
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Essential information about Modern Energy Magic

The Magic of Wishes - The Wishing Elf, The Wishing Well & Wish Upon A Star!

The Magic of Wishes - The Wishing Elf, The Wishing Well & Wish Upon A Star!

Join me for an awesome energy magic session on "how to make wishes" so that your dreams will come true with three awesome energy magic meditations: The Wishing Elf, The Wishing Well & Wish Upon A Star!

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How To Raise Power For Magic

How To Raise Power For Magic

Suree writes:

Dear StarFields, I've been taught to go into an alpha state prior to doing magic, spells, rituals etc.

But I find I get very sleepy and drowsy. How can I raise more power for magic?

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Weather Spell Storm Spell & More

Weather Spell Storm Spell & More

There's nothing as powerful as a good Weather Spell - the Storm Spell is an example how we can activate The Magic of the Moment and create powerful positive changes for ourselves and others.

Tags: Weather Spell, Storm Spell, Snow Spell, Rain Spell

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Magic Art

Magic Art

What is Magic Art? In a nutshell, it is ART WITH A PURPOSE. You create an art object or artefact that is not merely for decoration, but has a magical purpose - for example, to bring happiness or prosperity to the space it inhabits.

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Make A Date With MAGIC!

Make A Date With MAGIC!

I was writing an instructional article about making a magic pouch, and as with all the magical tools and toys, there comes a time when you dedicate and activate it, and of course, that wants to be special. In traditional/old witchcraft and magic there are all these complicated rituals with casting circles, evoking angels and all sorts. In Modern Energy Magic, we take a different tack - we make a date with magic!

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The GoE MONEY!!! Course - A Course In Real MONEY MAGIC!

Discover REAL Magic - MODERN ENERGY!

magic spells copyright starfields copyright symbolAll magic spells, magic articles, text & images by StarFields unless otherwise stated.
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