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Magic Charms

Magic Charms, Magic Pendants, Protection Charms, Magic Jewellery

Make Your Own Guardian Angel Energy Magic Charm!

Make Your Own Guardian Angel Energy Magic Charm!

Evoke the power of your Guardian Angel and connect more with your Guardian Angel through this simple to make Guardian Angel energy magic charm.

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Make A JuJu, Moppet, Poppet or Magic Doll Step By Step

Make A JuJu, Moppet, Poppet or Magic Doll Step By Step

How To Make A Juju. Magic Doll, Basic Poppet Or Moppet -  Moppet Making Made Easy with SFX :-)

You can use the same basic technique with anything, from washing line to jungle vine, from straw to fabric, from metal wire to silk cord, and make your juju, moppet or poppet in any size at all.

Jujus, worry dolls, magic dolls, poppets or moppets have 1001 magical uses, so be inventive!

All my loved ones still have a JuJu on their car mirrors for protection and good luck. Hint!

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How To Turn Jewelry Into Magic Charms  In Three Simple Steps

How To Turn Jewelry Into Magic Charms In Three Simple Steps

A piece of jewelry becomes a magic charm by changing the energetic reality behind the material object.

This is also known as "imprinting" intention.

Here is how to turn ordinary jewelry into your own persononal magic charm in three simple steps.

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Make Your Own Magic Toys!

Make Your Own Magic Toys!

Modern Energy Magic is more primal and far more personal than many of the old, complicated and convoluted systems. Making your own magic "tools" which we call "toys" is an essential part of this. Here are some ideas and inspirations to get started to make your own unique magic toys.

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Amber Magic - The Magical Properties of Amber & Copal

Amber Magic - The Magical Properties of Amber & Copal

Amber and its young version, copal amber, are amongst the most fascinating magical substances on Earth.

Here are the magical properties of amber and copal, ideas on how to use the unique magical qualities of amber, an amber energy dancing video and links to amber charms for healing, protection & activating the psychic circuitry, and an amber story.

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The GoE MONEY!!! Course - A Course In Real MONEY MAGIC!

Discover REAL Magic - MODERN ENERGY!

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