Spell For Change![]() Do you want CHANGE in your life? Big change? Have you gotten to the point where everything needs to change because it just can't go on like this any longer? Here is a simple spell for change, without ingredients.
Added Oct 30, 2016
| 11,671 Reads
Magic is all about CHANGE - changing things that suck to things that are fun, changing your mind, changing your circumstances, changing your environments, and also how to make change not be like the Towers of the Tarot Deck - cataclysmic tsunamis of overwhelming life changes that have you bob around helplessly like a cork in the middle of the darkest oceans, but fluent progress that feels good, that feels right, and that becomes ever more fascinating, enlivening, and enjoyable as it spirals elegantly up, and up. Hey! That's an interesting sentence! Read it again? So, CHANGE. With a capital C H A N G E. People say and think and believe they're afraid of change, but that's not true. People are afraid of PAIN. That's it, really. If one could somehow guarantee that CHANGE could be made very painless, instead the opposite, to have change be easy and fun, enjoyable, really, really cool, out-distancing even your very best hopes and expectations by lightyears - would then there be any resistance to change remaining? About as much resistance as you get from a bunch of hungry people when you say, "Hey! The buffet's open now! And there's free champagne for everyone!" Even the most conservative amongst the crowd would creep closer, neck stretched up ahead and high, to sniff and see at least what's there, wouldn't they. Sure. But CHANGE is a word that doesn't tell you whether something is good or bad, or just how painful it's gonna be. It lacks a quantifyer, such as, "A change for the better," or "A good change." Then there is of course the problem of the life experiencces and entrainments that automatically equate change with A CATASTROPHE. Just to be sure, a catastrophe is a catastrophe, and change is just change, and sometimes it's just small change you keep in a jar cause it's not worth carrying around and weighing down your pockets, or your purse. It's a tricky word is change, and one that you can put into the reality washing machine, if you know what that is, make it come out nice and clean and just as new. And here is one of those things that I sometimes do - I use words differently, and one of those words that I like to use is the new. THE NEW. That's a noun. The new is what's out there in the future and we haven't experienced it yet. We don't know it yet, it's waiting out there, but it's getting closer. That's the new. If you turn around and look back, preferably not like Lot's wife who became a pillar of stone in horror at the sights that stretched out in front of her, but just in a very touristy kind of relaxed way, wearing a hawaaian shirt, for example, the camera at the ready, what you see is the old. That's already been, that's already known, it's happened, and there it is. The old. Now whatever the old may have been like, the important thing to remember about the old is that it is OLD. It's been done. Been there, done that. Got the T-Shirt. In many instances, I wore out the T-shirt and it became a rag for the garage, or the garden, and then one day the rag was used for something unspeakable and instead of washing it one more time, I put it in the garbage bin. And as I did that, I said out aloud, and in chorus, at the same time in my mind: OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW IN ALL I THINK AND SAY AND DO! And I thought, hey! That's a cool spell! I can say that every time I throw something in the bin. A broken plate. A book that annoyed me. Junk mail! I want the world to be a better place, and likewise, I want MY WORLD to be a better place. The old created itself. It will keep re-creating itself until at some point, you put a stop to it, throw whatever it was into the astral, incarnational, metaphorical garbage bin and you really let go of all of that and you say and think and FEEL IT, REALLY FEEL IT, as you REALLY MEAN IT: OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW IN ALL I THINK AND SAY AND DO! Yay! A dance of joy, of freedom can ensue! Bring in the new! Let me see what there is, let me feel it, hear it, EXPERIENCE it to the hilt! I look FORWARD TO THE NEW! I know the old, and some of it was cool, and some of it wasn't, but who cares? It's all old news now, that's for sure! Bring in the new! Bring it in unfettered, uncluttered, unafraid, with great curiosity and excitement - like the excitement on Christmas morning. So what if some years the presents sucked and were a bitter disappointment - that doesn't stop you from feeling just as excited again, just on the off chance there'll be something there that will fulfill a heart's desire, that'll really be just brilliant to have, and hold, and play with! As all good spells do come in three's, I'll say it again, one more time: OUT WITH THE OLD IN WITH THE NEW IN ALL I THINK AND SAY AND DO! Yay! Whatever you're trowing away - old bills, out with them! Leftovers - be gone! Space is being created for NEW meals, delicious new experiences awaiting us out there in the new! Old clothes - oh YES! You throw out just so much more than "just" a T-shirt if you bin that old Metallica shirt which hasn't fitted you for 12 years, at least ... There is SO MUCH opportunity to "get rid of the ties that bind us" in everyday every day activities, this change spell is just the tip of the iceberg. But if you're interested in the new, and what it might have to offer, and if you are determined that the new should be significantly different from the old, then I offer you this simple little spell to enjoy, to use, and to use to set a direction for all of our totalities to move into - a direction, an energy movement, towards something exciting, something surprising, something sparkling - I say, let's go! :-) SFX
Added Oct 30, 2016
| 11,671 Reads
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