Animal Magic
Animal magic, spells for animals, animal guardians and animal friends.
Added Mar 2, 2016
| 207,581 Reads
What are the meanings of spirit animals? Find out about the energy of Alligator, Antelope, Caribou, Cougar, Coyote, Crane, Crow, Deer, Dolphin, Dragonfly, Eagle, Elk, Fox, Frog, Goat, Goose, Hawk, Hedgehog, Horse, Hummingbird, Lizard. Loon, Moose, Mouse, Otter, Owl, Porcupine, Quail, Raven, Salmon, Sandpiper, Seagull, Seal, Skunk, Snail, Snake, Spider, Squirrel, Swan, Turtle, Wolf, Whale here. ![]()
Added Oct 4, 2010
| 62,599 Reads
An XTRA Magic subscriber wrote and asked for a spell to put on a turtle pendant necklace they had bought for a friend of theirs who was getting persecuted by bullies. I immediately thought that was a brilliant choice as "Father Turtle" from the animal kingdom is a powerful guardian for protection, so I wrote a spell to go with it. This can be a simple spell or extended into a full magic ritual. ![]()
Added Sep 9, 2009
| 61,071 Reads
A really interesting and important part of magic revolves around magic guardians for protection of the home. A first choice for as long as humanity has been around is to use statues of animals to be magic guardians. Of course, not every animal statue is magic, and not every magic statue is a magic guardian. Here's a report on a psychometry experience and some ideas of how to find and strengthen magic guardians of your own.
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