Magic, Spells & Potions
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Magic Art

Make Your Own Guardian Angel Energy Magic Charm!

Make Your Own Guardian Angel Energy Magic Charm!

Evoke the power of your Guardian Angel and connect more with your Guardian Angel through this simple to make Guardian Angel energy magic charm.

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Magic Art

Magic Art

What is Magic Art? In a nutshell, it is ART WITH A PURPOSE. You create an art object or artefact that is not merely for decoration, but has a magical purpose - for example, to bring happiness or prosperity to the space it inhabits.

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Make Your Own Magic Toys!

Make Your Own Magic Toys!

Modern Energy Magic is more primal and far more personal than many of the old, complicated and convoluted systems. Making your own magic "tools" which we call "toys" is an essential part of this. Here are some ideas and inspirations to get started to make your own unique magic toys.

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Silvia's Magic Energy Art Eggsercise :-)

Silvia's Magic Energy Art Eggsercise :-)

So here we have the Magic Eggsercise - an egg, Art Solutions style, to empower a project or a goal. The egg is of course, a super-metaphor and works particularly well with the topic of projects and goals that have begun but have not yet "hatched" fully. 

A lovely energy art exercise that combines conscious attention, art - and magic :-)

Created Easter 2016 for the Energy Art group

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Art Spell

Art Spell

This is the Art Spell - artless magic is heartless magic, is no magic at all.

With love to all creative souls who walk the Earth and those who don't, make your presence felt, bring you wonder and your joy.

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Magic Art, Energy Art, Art Solutions

Magic Images Word Picture

* There is lots of specific information about using art and energy on

Share The Magic ...
The GoE MONEY!!! Course - A Course In Real MONEY MAGIC!

Discover REAL Magic - MODERN ENERGY!

magic spells copyright starfields copyright symbolAll magic spells, magic articles, text & images by StarFields unless otherwise stated.
All Rights Reserved In All Media.