Magic, Spells & Potions

5 x Spell Against Self Harm

5 x Spell Against Self Harm

There is an epidemic of young people turning to self harm, hurting themselves and self mutilation to deal with their overwhelming negative emotions.

Here are five modern energy magic spells for self harm that are easy to do and need no complicated rituals or ingredients whatsoever.

5 x Spell Against Self Harm

There is an epidemic of young people turning to self harm, hurting themselves and self mutilation to deal with their overwhelming negative emotions. Here are five modern energy magic spells for self harm that are easy to do and need no complicated rituals or ingredients whatsoever.




 Watch video on Youtube

Self harm, hurting yourself or self mutilation happens when EMOTIONS become more painful than physical pain. Emotions come from the energy body and painful emotions are a sign of a serious energy body disturbance. Emotions are NOT in the head or in the mind, emotions are feedback devices from the energy body.

Watch this video which explains what happens in self harm and self mutilation, and five simple techniques or energy magic spalls to find a better way to release painful emotional energy.




5 x Spell Against Self Harm - Quick reminders:


1. Heart Healing

Start with the Heart! Protect your heart and remember - your heart is made for LOVE.


2. Anti Self Harm Spell Chant & Dance

Body, Mind & Shining Soul

Make me strong and make me whole!


3. Healing Hands Instead of Hurting Hands

Energy problems need energy solutions.

Energy wounds and disturbances are touched with the energy hands.

It's "only" ENERGY - and energy wants to flow.


4. Magic Potion Against Self Harm

Bless simple water with powerful energy Positives.

Make sure to remember "The Magic of the Moment!"

Use this 3x a day for 3x3 = 9 days, morning, noon and night.


5. Riversmooth Shield Protection

Create an energy shield to make a space to help your energy system recover.

Practice this often!!!

Riversmooth I go

Riversmooth I flow

Riversmooth am I

and this is so.

Additional Information:

Get "(r)Evolution" ebook with further information free here.


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4 Ways To Raise Energy Fast:


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