Magic, Spells & Potions: The NEW Book On
Modern Energy Magic
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Learn A NEW Magic:
Magic that is EASY, logical, practical, and completely NATURAL.
Magic that opens the door to a world filled with wonder - and it's all REAL!
Magic that is wonderful, bright, light filled - and POWERFUL
REAL Magic for the 21st Century
This is ...

Magic that is easy, natural and feels wonderful.
Magic that is wonderful, bright, light filled - and POWERFUL
REAL Magic for the 21st Century.
Bring out the best of YOUR magic with ...
Magic Spells & Potions
by StarFields
You will find out how YOU can:

Create Powerful Charms and Potions that really work!

Make beautiful, resonant protection amulets and charms for those you love

Find out how you can make shields and glamours for protection, deflection and attraction - easily and naturally.

Create your own custom made powerful spells - full instructions and spells "how to"s

Or use one of the many spells from the book, there are lots to choose from.

Love Spells, Revenge Spells, Protection Spells, Weight Loss Spells, Fairy Spells, Fire Spells, Beauty Spells and many more!

Create Hexes, Totems and Sigils - custom made and wonderfully powerful!

Learn how to do fantastic, spot on Fortune Telling,

Unique techniques and tips that gives clearer, more intense visions - and without years of study!

Develop your "second sight" including clairvoyance and clairaudience, remote viewing and skrying,

Find your "magic spider sense" - the real feelings that guide you in the amazing realms of magic.

Get to know your helpful Angels and Guardian Spirits that will tell you the real secrets of your own magic - in love, light and absolute safety!

Get over fear, blockages and injuries that have stopped YOUR magic from being all that it can be for you.

Find out about your own unique "magical ancestry" - the magic in YOUR blood, fantastic!

And discover how you can use the powerful help of your ancestors in the spirit world to make your life better, today!

Harness the power of a complete pantheon of deities working on your behalf - you'll be amazed how easy it is.

Get complete instructions for using The Genius Symbols in magic - priceless, this is worth more than the cost of the book alone!

Create your own symbol power-deck and set free your REAL magic potential.

Learn about how to make a powerful "Magic Machine" - and it's actually easy!

Discover the true joy of magic - power and light are one and the same!

Step into YOUR magical self - you were born to magic, you know you were!

StarFields will show you how YOU can make YOUR magic come to life!
This is a GREAT book on real modern magic
that will grow with you as you grow as a magical person.
You can turn to Magic, Spells, And Potions time and time again -
and your magic will get richer, and more powerful as you grow.
Real magic is what you do every day, and in every way -
bring the joy of magic into your life!
All spells and potions come from a place of love and are safe for beginners.
However ... the more you know,
the more you can do with these truly fabulous magic spells and potions!

Whether this is the first book on magic you buy, or the last,
Magic Spells & Potions will not just enlighten you, but also delight you!
Bright Magic,
Powerful Magic,
as it was always meant to be:
True Magic for the 21st Century
Available NOW:

Magic that is easy, natural and feels wonderful.
Magic that is wonderful, bright, light filled - and POWERFUL
REAL Magic for the 21st Century.
Bring out the best of YOUR magic with ...
Magic Spells & Potions
by StarFields
Order NOW -
... and bring some REAL MAGIC POWER into YOUR LIFE!
Instant download just £29.97 GBP:

Also available as printed paperback direct from the publisher DragonRising - click here