Magic Properties
Magic properties of, correspondences, magic uses of
Added Sep 25, 2018
| 15,447 Reads
Lemon has kick ass bright and beautiful energy and is an absolutely brilliant ingredient for endless spells and potions. Lemon is also available easily, just about everywhere, in many different forms, from fresh lemon to powdered lemon, lemonade, lemon essential oil and all of it is extremely affordable. Here are my top three Lemon Magic spells & potions. ![]()
Added Mar 24, 2018
| 22,111 Reads
At the moment, we are having a period of high activity from the sun. This causes "space weather" - solar storms that directly affect electrical installations and have the power to knock out satellites and blow up electricity stations. That's just on the "hard" level; magical and energy sensitive people can really be upskittled by the effects this has on the energetic environment and on the energy body. Which will affect all kinds of things and causes disturbed emotions as well as magic failure. ![]()
Added Jan 22, 2017
| 81,499 Reads
Amber and its young version, copal amber, are amongst the most fascinating magical substances on Earth. Here are the magical properties of amber and copal, ideas on how to use the unique magical qualities of amber, an amber energy dancing video and links to amber charms for healing, protection & activating the psychic circuitry, and an amber story.
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