About three weeks ago, I woke up with a jerk, first thing I saw in our dimly lit room was a figure or rather a silhouette of a hooded man, all white. He was standing facing me at the far corner of the room, his back leaning on the window. He was about the size of a grown up man, not really tall but more than medium built.
Maria writes: I am 38 years old. I live in Mexico. I've been "feeling" mild occurrence like, moving/shaking of my bed, hearing voices, disappearing of minor things and being able to find it again, feeling of dejavu every now and then.
The occurrences were strongest when I was in my twenties and early 30's, the experience diminished over the yrs though I still experience things i couldn't explain but shrug it aside.
During those times also, I was into tarot (self thought) though I amaze even myself that when i started reading palms, most of my readings are correct.
I do this not only with my friends i already knew but some acquaintances I meet when attending seminars, some are referrals. I do it for fun and do not charge anything.
Lately, I wake up almost the same time at night (3:00am in my clock) feeling shaken and very much afraid. I account it as bad nightmare that I donโt remember when i wake up.
I had nightmares since I was a kid. About three weeks ago, I woke up with a jerk, first thing I saw in our dimly lit room was a figure or rather a silhouette of a hooded man, all white.
He was standing facing me at the far corner of the room, his back leaning on the window. He was about the size of a grown up man, not really tall but more than medium built.
There was nothing threatening about him but the figure lingers in my mind. I blinked several times before the figure disappeared. I was thinking it was just an image I imagined since it was dark and shadows of the room may form figures that might play into my imagination.
I wanted to ask you of this image, it's the first time I "imagined" i saw that image. I would also like to add that i always wake up in the middle of the night and thought someone, something is staring at me in the corner of the room and itโs always something black and scary. When this happen, I turn on the light and say some prayers.
I would like to seek explanation on these things. Or any advice you can give me to make it stop. The image of the white hooded man hadnโt return anymore but my nightmares still happen.
Dear Maria,
There is a lot of things there and way beyond the scope of an online contact form or a quick little spell.
Best I can do is point you in some directions.
So you have clearly psychic talent - that is to have an active psychic circuitry which is nothing spooky but a part of the human energy system. With most people, it's not switched on much but with those who are, they experience psychic phenomena and must learn to understand and ultimately be able to guide their experiences in the right direction.
The trouble with the psychic circuitry is that if you don't use it, it builds up an overload and things get weird - like people who repress sex start behaving very, very strangely and can get psychotic because of it.
The other trouble with psychic circuitry manifestations is that many religions make it out to be a hugely BAD thing - and this really frightens small children and adults as they think something evil is going down, or that they're going to hell, or that Satan is coming for them.
Fear effectively disrupts the functioning of the psychic circuitry - and that's the whole point of making psychics terrified, after all!
So firstly, I would suggest starting to gently exercise your psychic skills in the day which avoids an overload outburst in the night.
I would feel a lot happier if you had someone to talk to on an ongoing basis, a friend perhaps, about these things and have someone who can help you explore these things over time.
If you are psychic, there's no quick fix but you just have to learn to live with those gifts without fear, and also deal with childhood trauma relating to this sort of thing - again, gently and over time.
I wish you blessings and do try and keep calm
AddedJul 12, 2007
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