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Homes & Gardens

Homes & Gardens

A Magical  House Warming Gift Idea For Every Budget : The Celtic House Warming Snail

A Magical House Warming Gift Idea For Every Budget : The Celtic House Warming Snail

* This is a repost of an article I wrote for a magazine in 2005.*

Let's bring more MAGIC into the boring every day with a wonderful gift for any home - the Celtic House Warming Snail. Protection, safety, good luck and MAGIC itself, and you don't need a lot of money to make a super gift for the home that will be loved and appreciated. 

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Magic Objects, Power Objects & Mystic Items

Magic Objects, Power Objects & Mystic Items

Shona asked, "My grandmother left me a shell charm when she passed away. She said it was a magic power charm. What is a magic object? What do I do with it? I don't like it very much!"

Here it is:What Is A "Magic Power Object"? | An Important Safety Note On Freaky Magic Objects/Cursed Objects | What To Do With An Unwanted Magical Object | What Makes A Good Magic Power Object? | Magic Objects - Don't Clutter! | The Power Object Party | Magic Power Objects - In Conclusion

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Choosing An Object For A Luck Charm

Choosing An Object For A Luck Charm

Lena writes: So I've been having some trouble with luck recently and i'd like to know how to make an object into a luck charm or if its even possible, I would aprieciate it if would tell me how?

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How To Set Up A Magic Altar

How To Set Up A Magic Altar

Michael from the US asked how to make an altar.

Here's a simple 7 step method to make a real working energy magic altar and some tips on altar offerings and how to make sure your altar gets more powerful over time, rather than becoming ever more confused.

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Magic Guardians For Home Protection

Magic Guardians For Home Protection

A really interesting and important part of magic revolves around magic guardians for protection of the home. A first choice for as long as humanity has been around is to use statues of animals to be magic guardians.

Of course, not every animal statue is magic, and not every magic statue is a magic guardian. Here's a report on a psychometry experience and some ideas of how to find and strengthen magic guardians of your own.

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