Magic, Spells & Potions

Summer Solstice Time & Date Around The World 2010

Summer Solstice Time & Date Around The World 2010

People keep asking me when exactly that magical moment is when the "sun stands still" the closest it can get to us, the moment of the Summer Solstice.

Here are the times and dates around the world for summer solstice 2010 - a particularly spectacularly meaningful summer solstice, so I am told :-)


Summer Solstice Around The World 2010 - Times & Dates

Summer Solstice Times 2010

Around The World

Summer Solstice Is On Monday, 21 June 2010, 23:28:00 UTC time

Addis Ababa Tue 02:28 Guatemala Mon 17:28 Nassau * Mon 19:28
Adelaide Tue 09:00 Halifax * Mon 20:28 New Delhi Tue 05:00
Aden Tue 02:28 Hanoi Tue 06:28 New Orleans * Mon 18:28
Algiers Tue 00:28 Harare Tue 01:28 New York * Mon 19:28
Almaty Tue 05:28 Havana * Mon 19:28 Oslo * Tue 01:28
Amman * Tue 02:28 Helsinki * Tue 02:28 Ottawa * Mon 19:28
Amsterdam * Tue 01:28 Hong Kong Tue 07:28 Paris * Tue 01:28
Anadyr * Tue 11:28 Honolulu Mon 13:28 Perth Tue 07:28
Anchorage * Mon 15:28 Houston * Mon 18:28 Philadelphia * Mon 19:28
Ankara * Tue 02:28 Indianapolis * Mon 19:28 Phoenix Mon 16:28
Antananarivo Tue 02:28 Islamabad Tue 04:28 Prague * Tue 01:28
Asuncion Mon 19:28 Istanbul * Tue 02:28 Reykjavik Mon 23:28
Athens * Tue 02:28 Jakarta Tue 06:28 Rio de Janeiro Mon 20:28
Atlanta * Mon 19:28 Jerusalem * Tue 02:28 Riyadh Tue 02:28
Auckland Tue 11:28 Johannesburg Tue 01:28 Rome * Tue 01:28
Baghdad Tue 02:28 Kabul Tue 04:00 San Francisco * Mon 16:28
Bangkok Tue 06:28 Kamchatka * Tue 11:28 San Juan Mon 19:28
Barcelona * Tue 01:28 Karachi Tue 04:28 San Salvador Mon 17:28
Beijing Tue 07:28 Kathmandu Tue 05:15 Santiago Mon 19:28
Beirut * Tue 02:28 Khartoum Tue 02:28 Santo Domingo Mon 19:28
Belgrade * Tue 01:28 Kingston Mon 18:28 Sao Paulo Mon 20:28
Berlin * Tue 01:28 Kiritimati Tue 13:28 Seattle * Mon 16:28
Bogota Mon 18:28 Kolkata Tue 05:00 Seoul Tue 08:28
Boston * Mon 19:28 Kuala Lumpur Tue 07:28 Shanghai Tue 07:28
Brasilia Mon 20:28 Kuwait City Tue 02:28 Singapore Tue 07:28
Brisbane Tue 09:28 Kyiv * Tue 02:28 Sofia * Tue 02:28
Brussels * Tue 01:28 La Paz Mon 19:28 St. John's * Mon 21:00
Bucharest * Tue 02:28 Lagos Tue 00:28 St. Paul * Mon 18:28
Budapest * Tue 01:28 Lahore Tue 04:28 Stockholm * Tue 01:28
Buenos Aires Mon 20:28 Lima Mon 18:28 Suva Tue 11:28
Cairo * Tue 02:28 Lisbon * Tue 00:28 Sydney Tue 09:28
Canberra Tue 09:28 London * Tue 00:28 Taipei Tue 07:28
Cape Town Tue 01:28 Los Angeles * Mon 16:28 Tallinn * Tue 02:28
Caracas Mon 19:00 Madrid * Tue 01:28 Tashkent Tue 04:28
Casablanca * Tue 00:28 Managua Mon 17:28 Tegucigalpa Mon 17:28
Chatham Islands Tue 12:15 Manila Tue 07:28 Tehran * Tue 04:00
Chicago * Mon 18:28 Melbourne Tue 09:28 Tokyo Tue 08:28
Copenhagen * Tue 01:28 Mexico City * Mon 18:28 Toronto * Mon 19:28
Darwin Tue 09:00 Miami * Mon 19:28 Vancouver * Mon 16:28
Denver * Mon 17:28 Minneapolis * Mon 18:28 Vienna * Tue 01:28
Detroit * Mon 19:28 Minsk * Tue 02:28 Vladivostok * Tue 10:28
Dhaka Tue 05:28 Montevideo Mon 20:28 Warsaw * Tue 01:28
Dubai Tue 03:28 Montgomery * Mon 18:28 Washington DC * Mon 19:28
Dublin * Tue 00:28 Montreal * Mon 19:28 Winnipeg * Mon 18:28
Edmonton * Mon 17:28 Moscow * Tue 03:28 Yangon Tue 06:00
Frankfurt * Tue 01:28 Mumbai Tue 05:00 Zagreb * Tue 01:28
Geneva * Tue 01:28 Nairobi Tue 02:28 ZΓΌrich * Tue 01:28

Current UTC (or GMT/Zulu)-time Monday, 21 June 2010, 23:28:00
UTC is Coordinated Universal Time, GMT is Greenwich Mean Time.
Great Britain/United Kingdom is one hour ahead of UTC during summer.

* means the time shown is adjusted for daylight saving time (DST) or summer time

Sun Spiral Sun Dance Summer Solstice Ritual HERE

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