Make, Fill & Activate A Magic Pouch![]() Also known as a medicine bag, spirit pouch, shaman pouch, neck bag, neck purse, we are talking basically about a bag on a string round your neck! Very magical, very traditional/primal magic and a great exercises for beginners in modern energy magic just the same. Here are four construction patterns for a magic pouch/medicine bag, what to put inside and how to activate it to get you started.
Added May 16, 2017
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How To Make, Fill & Activate A Magic PouchAlso known as a medicine bag, spirit pouch, shaman pouch, neck bag, neck purse we are talking basically about a bag on a string round your neck! Very magical, very traditional/primal magic and a great exercises for beginners in modern energy magic just the same. Here are three base patterns to get you started. Why Make Your Own? | What Is A Magic Pouch For? | Magic Pouch Patterns 1 | Pattern 2 | Pattern 3 | Pattern 4 | Choosing Materials | Decorating Your Magic Pouch | Finding Energy Objects | Filling Your Magic Pouch | The Quest | Assembling & Binding | Refreshing & Updating | Magic Spirit Pouches Across Time & Space Why Make Your Own Magic Pouch?Q: Why should I go through all the trouble to make my own magic pouch? There are thousands on Etsy and I can't sew! A: The process of constructing the magic pouch, shaman's spirit pouch or medicine bag is an integral part of "making a magical object." You are creating a magic bottle that holds essences. The energy spirit pouch is an important thing in its own right and you deserve that this should be custom made, by you, for you. It doesn't matter if you cannot sew. You will learn. Cavemen could do it and so can you. And as you engage in the process, which should be a meditation, you are empowering the magic pouch itself with energy, with every touch, every stitch, every thought. Let's get started.
What Is A Magic Pouch For?Making a medicine bag, magic bag to wear over your heart of energy is a truly ancient shamanic/magical tradition. Instead of having one particular charm for one particular purpose, you have literally infinite combinations at your fingertips to produce the perfect "charm" (energy magic device!) for you right here and now, today. You can choose not only to include things from the entire material universe, but also thoughts, ideas, wishes, wants and abstract concepts in the form of symbols or writing. A magic bag is exactly that - infinite energy magic to empower your heart, and through your heart of energy, your entire energy body. It's an amazing thing if you think about it. There's that super-rich woman wearing a massive diamond with dubious energy and she thinks she's got it all ... Oh my ... So: Our Magic Pouch is a content free container to be worn over your heart of energy (centre of the chest, where you would point if you said, "I, this is me!") into which we add energy objects that will serve and protect you.
Magic Pouch PatternsHere are three simple patterns to make your magic pouch, medicine bag or shaman's purse. Simple fold over design pattern 1
Simple two piece pattern for a magic pouch or medicine bag
Round simple pattern for a magic pouch pattern 3
Very easy round/multi-shape pattern for a magic pouch or shaman's purse.
Choosing The Materials For Your Magic PouchTraditionally, medicine bags are made from leather. Leather is durable, primal, and if you really want to get into it, offers an array of different species with different energies. If you are going to use leather, be aware that thick/stiff leather is hard to work with and won't bunch up very well (as in Pattern 3). It's going to be a lump that's annoying to wear. Consider if you are going to wear this inside or outside of daily clothes, and how strong the fabric will have to be to withstand shards of obsidian, nails or contain silver sand, if that's going to be on your list of ingredients! I like to go to a Nearly New shop (charity shop) to find the fabrics I use in my magical doings. You can pick up a soft leather coat with good vibes for a few quid which will yield years of material for all manner of purposes. One can also find unusual fabrics, sparkly fabrics, and generally be inspired. Let something jump out at you that really wants to be the base material for your magic pouch. The second major structural component is the string. In the designs above, the string is a part of the construction, so you are "closing the circle" when you tie a knot and put it over your head. Choose something that will be comfortable and bear in mind that if you're going to make massive medicine pouches with boulders of rose quartz inside, you need a wide string to avoid injury :-) The third consideration is how much decoration you are going to be adding to your magic pouch. People plaster these things with beads, feathers, bones, mirrors and all sorts, so if you have something like that in mind, choose a fabric that can take it or will co-operate and make it relatively easy for you. Decorating Your Magic PouchIn proper energy magic, we should not think so much in terms of decoration (like some people "decorate" themselves by hanging baubles off their ears as though they were Xmas trees!) but in terms of IMPRINTING. To make that clear, we could write on the pouch, "This is Showna's magic pouch." It's not just the words, the object is now imprinted on Showna and unless she particularly gifts it to someone, Jamie, Bob and Chay can't wear it. Showna might have a special magic symbol in mind. She might be looking for love, so she could draw or stitch a heart on the magic pouch. I have a "house seal" which identifies me in all my magical doings, so I would probably draw that on the inside. If you want to use your magic pouch in the traditional sense, less is much, much better than more. I am highly averse to "overproducing your magic" - like that fashion woman said, "Before you go out, look in the mirror and take one thing off!" If you keep your magic pouch relatively clean, it can serve many purposes better than when it already has a whole lot of all sorts in its structure. Still, you live and learn and especially the dedicated magical artists and crafters tend to go to town and attach all manner of things on the outside. There's no harm in it. Please yourself and make something you love, and *in love* and you can't go wrong!
Finding Energy Objects For Your Magic PouchAaah ... yes and now we're in that infinite space of "How do you choose from the entire material AND immaterial multiverse ...?" There are many ways to do this, I like this one. It's nice and simple. You've made your magic pouch, imprinted it so you love it. Now find a quiet space, switch off that phone, hold the magic pouch to your heart of energy, close your eyes, take a few deep breaths in and out and then ask, "Dear magic pouch, what do you need inside you to serve my highest good?" After you ask that question out aloud (or your own words to that effect!) you need to wait, like you would wait for the response from someone you called on the phone. Keep waiting until the response comes - an idea, a sension, a memory, a picture, a scent, a taste, a feeling ... This will give you your first ingredient for your magic pouch. Keep asking again, "Dear magic pouch, and what else do we need?" You might need to make a note of the answers you are getting if it's a long shopping list!
Filling Your Magic Pouch - It's All About Energy!Something I really like about these little medicine bags/magic pouches is that they are LITTLE. This means you have to consider ENERGY rather than material substance. Let's say you saw a huge mountain range when you asked what needed to be in the pouch. We don't need a massive lump of granite with snow on top here; we need MOUNTAIN ENERGY. What tiny object can give us mountain energy? My first thought was The Land symbol from the Energy Symbols, two mountains. My second thought was, if someone didn't know about the energy symbols, a very small piece of real rock crystal (Bergkristall!) would do it. A single pine needle can bring the energy of an entire pine forest. To learn to bring in the energy of things by the way of finding something that is right, that evokes that energy without being that thing, is a core skill of all forms of magic, and certainly for Modern Energy Magic.
Energy Artefacts - The QuestSometimes, finding the right energy artefact involves a quest. That means that you have to get out into the really real world and do something physical in order to fulfil the magical task at hand. For example, a person might have learned they need RIVER ENERGY in their shaman's pouch and that this would be represented by a river pebble. You can find those anywhere at all, but in this instance, the river pebble was to come from a specific place at a specific river which was meaningful to the person who needed the RIVER ENERGY. When that happens, do not make a shortcut or get lazy! This is an opportunity for major, major magic and wonderful things happen when we follow quests, and fulfil them. Likewise, don't be disappointed if there isn't a quest involved in your first/early magic pouch adventures. As I said, that's major magic and there's a right time for every energy magician to be doing their thing.
Assembling & Binding The Magic PouchWhen you have all the artefacts assembled from you magical shopping list of energy, it is time to put it all together and "bind" the magic pouch. In essence that means you activate it. You are assembling an energy motor to the point that when you turn the key, it will roar into life. Once afresh, find the right time and right place to perform this ritual piece of major magic. The way I do this is to make a date with magic; exactly like you would make a date with a romantic interest. I see another article coming on that topic ... Here and now, and in brief, you should feel the same excitement, wash your hair, hover up, put on some sexy music and literally everything you would do if you wanted to get ready for the night of your life. I'm not kidding. You get into that state and your magic will start to sparkle! Anyway! So we have our magic pouch in the centre of a nice clean space; candles and evoking angels and such are entirely optional. Place the energy artefacts in a circle around the pouch, one by one, and for each you say, "Welcome, messenger of (the mountains, the pine forests, love, power, strength, protection, etc. etc. )!" Sit back and observe all the objects now sharing a space, creating a radiating grid with the magic pouch itself in the centre.
Now you pick up the pouch and one object after the other, giving each one a little kiss and place it inside the pouch. Do up the magic pouch, hold it to your heart and say out aloud: "It is done!" Now tie the string so you are wearing it over your heart of energy and take a moment to enjoy the sensation. Going outside for a celebrationary dance in sun, shine, rain, storm, lightning or moonlight is optional. :-)
Refreshing & Updating Your Magic PouchAdding, removing, changing the energetic ingredients in your magic pouch is one of the ongoing fun things in proper magic. The worlds turn, the seasons change, we grow and develop and our energetic/magical needs change over time. This is not simply incremental; there are threshold shifts that require NEW MAGIC. Indeed, we are using energy magic in the first place in order to achieve the next level of the game! Once you've had your threshold shift, new magic is in order. You can keep your pouch or make a new one; and seriously consider what will survive and what is better left behind. Choosing what you keep and what you send back to the Universe (by throwing it into flowing water, off a cliff top or into a forest or field) is ongoing magic practice and extremely valuable. As always, please don't hoard and don't overproduce your magic. Simple and profound works best!
So there we have it. Have fun with your magic pouch/es and may they bring you suprises and blessings you never expected at all! StarFields May 2017
Magic Spirit Pouches Across Time & Space
Old traditional Native American Medicine Pouch
Ojibwa Medicine Pouch
Old Tibetan Buddhist Energy Pouches
Old South American Shaman's pouch
Chinese Energy Pouches
Old Japanese Shinto Spirit Bag Antique African Medicin Man's Bag !7th Century Gypsy Spirit Bag
Why Make Your Own? | What Is A Magic Pouch For? | Magic Pouch Patterns 1 | Pattern 2 | Pattern 3 | Pattern 4 | Choosing Materials | Decorating Your Magic Pouch | Finding Energy Objects | Filling Your Magic Pouch | The Quest | Assembling & Binding | Refreshing & Updating | Magic Spirit Pouches Across Time & Space How To Make, Fill & Activate A Magic Pouch StarFields 2017.
Added May 16, 2017
| 19,549 Reads
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