My latest boyfriend cheated on me, treated me terribly and now he's left me. I am all alone - again. I have a lovely daughter and a son, but I'm just so sad and I am afraid I'll never find someone now.
There is so much that could be said or done, but what I kept getting over and over, even as I was thinking of all kinds of love spells and this and that, one single message:
I think that's what we have to do when these things happen, just to re-affirm that.
When thoughts come, or loneliness, or doubts that you will ever find anyone who'll love you, or memories of past injuries, to stop, take a deep breath, put your hands on your heart as though you are giving a pledge of allegiance and to say out aloud,
Three times and with absolute intention.
People are people, we know they come and go. But if you can hold steady and believe in love, and your power to give and receive love, then all will be well.
Blessings and radiance,
AddedApr 9, 2007
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