The Soul Pilots -
Saving Lost Souls
I have been involved in an extremely unusual project recently that to me, highlights many things about being a true magician and living a life that has a lot more to it than working in a supermarket, going home, watching TV and falling asleep just to do it all over again the following day. As a Project Sanctuary Master, it was my privilege to contribute to the Soul Pilot's project - which is quite literally to go out and to save lost souls. To be a worker of magic, whether a beginner or a master in the craft, is to live in a different world from those who do not practise these arts. It is really as simple as that. At first, it starts with seeing more, and develops into seeing things completely differently altogether. From this of course develops doing things completely differently, and for different reasons, at that; Soul Piloting is one of those things that is completely off the map for the non-magical folk, as one might term them. They don't on the whole even believe in an afterlife, even though they go and stand in rows in churches, some quite regularly at that; but the concept never comes to life for them and apart from being terrified of death or going to hell, they don't go much further with it. Magic people soon become aware of the fact that there are presences and entities all over the place; some friendly, some not so friendly, but they are there and they do their thing. Amongst the "invisible" entities (invisible to those who don't attempt to look through the eyes of night, that is!) are the lost souls. Mostly, they are people much like you and me, and something went wrong during their transition from this life to the next - they got lost, stuck, confused or simply weren't ready to go on to the next stage of their development. But we people aren't the only so called intelligent life in the Universe; so you also get to meet lost souls that aren't human in nature, and that is always particularly interesting, if not a bit more challenging. The truly fascinating thing about working as a Soul Pilot and helping lost souls move on is that it totally depends on the Soul Pilot what kind of entities they will attract. We know very little about the ins and outs of it all, but we do know that every living person has a very specific energetic footprint. This is partially made up of their heritage and where they came from, but it is completely personalised by the experiences someone has had in their lifetime. A grandma of 12 who has lived through a war has a totally different energetic imprint to that of an old general, and a young girl who lives with foster parents a totally different resonance to that of a middle aged man who always worked as a clerk in a shoe store. When any of us make ourselves available to be a Soul Pilot, we attract those lost souls that resonate most closely to who we are ourselves. In this resonance connection lies the magic. It is like there are lost souls that no-one else but YOU specifically can reach, because your specific resonance pattern is exactly right for them. The other amazing thing is that angels and higher spirits can't help lost souls. This is for the same reason - it's a mismatch in resonance. A lost soul will shy away from the bright, high angelic frequencies of the higher beings. But if they feel someone who is more like them, they come forward and become attracted, and so we can help them when the greatest angels and saints cannot. That's an extraordinary thing, if you think about it. No matter who you are, or what you have or haven't been through, there are guaranteed to be those who can ONLY be reached and helped by YOU. The practicalities of soul piloting are mostly a matter of experience. The more you do it, the better you get at it; and also, and this is the third totally fascinating aspect of the whole deal, with each soul you save, YOU CHANGE AS WELL. You can't help it - as your experience grows, your resonance pattern evolves and you attract likewise, differnt lost souls to you than when you first started. This last point is probably the most magical of all. It seems to me that this is the reward the soul pilots get for their service to others who they don't know, have never met, and who they help without payment, gratitude or anything else. Soul Piloting is one of those wonderful things that are available in the worlds of magic that really shows up how limited the lives of those are who try and live a meaningful life outside of it. And finally, I'd like to say that the thought that there are those out there who will help lost souls when things go wrong is very comforting to me personally as well. It makes me think that should something happen to me, and I get lost, someone will come and find me. SFX December 2007
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