The Magic Of The Moment - The Power Of Magic In Accord![]() I'm sure you've heard of the idea of "acting in accord" - this means to perform a symbolical physical action on top of the magical ritual in order to cross the planes and create an "as above, so below" effect that combines very powerfully and becomes more than the sum of the parts. Here is a cool practical magic tip that turns the tables - using magic on top of a physical action that occurs anyway in your every day life to create the powerful as above, so below effect - the other way around.
Added Apr 15, 2008
| 19,380 Reads
The Magic Of The MomentThe Power Of Magic In Accord
I'm sure you've heard of the idea of "acting in accord" - this means to perform a symbolical physical action on top of the magical ritual in order to cross the planes and create an "as above, so below" effect that combines very powerfully and becomes more than the sum of the parts. Here is a cool practical magic tip that turns the tables - using magic on top of a physical action that occurs anyway in your every day life to create the powerful as above, so below effect - the other way around. Yesterday I was packing a suitcase ready to go travelling later this week, and as I worked my way through my wardrobe, came across a jacket that I've had for at least ten years, which had cost an absolute fortune at the time, looks great on a hanger still - AND WHICH I HAVE NEVER WORN. Not once, not ever. Not since I tried it on in the shop. It's a well travelled jacket though. It's been to New York, to Toronto, to Berlin, to London. It even went to Sarajevo last year. But I have never ever worn it, not ever, not even once. On this sunny day, I finally saw the light and I took the super-expensive jacket that has been cluttering my life for ten years and staring at me accusingly out of countless hotel wardrobes and suitcases over the years, went into the bathroom, and stuffed it into the trash bin. And as I did so, I could feel a magic moment being there, and I knew this was the perfect moment for some serious magic. At that moment, the act of stuffing a jacket into the trash became a magic ritual as I felt myself gathering power over the moment and I spoke out aloud,
OUT with old! In with the new! In all I think, I say, I do. The past is gone, the future's bright, what once went wrong is now put right. By the winds that blow, By the stars of night, By the sun that blesses me with light, Out with the old and in with the new this is my will and it is so!
On "it is so!" I slammed down the lid on the jacket, what the jacket stood for, all the stupid guilt and weirdness surrounding my clothing purchases of the past, mistakes of all kinds, old relationships, old self images and all sorts of other things from the past ten years - and instantly, it seemed that the room was bigger, brighter, and I felt lighter and tingly all over. Job accomplished! And that's real magic, there is not a doubt. I can't tell you how relieved I am that this is the end of the "jacket" and all that meant at the time; and the rest of the day I was sincerely happy and the feeling is still with me a good 36 hours later. I did some powerful magic there ... I believe that this kind of spontaneous moment, where a simple physical act like you would do every day, putting something in the trash in our example, turns into a fully fledged power spell and magic ritual, is a sign post for how to do REAL magic in our lives. It is very natural and right - you're in the right place, all the circumstances are there, all the objects pertaining to the ritual, no need to go shopping for candles or herbs or oils at all, the stars are in their perfect positions in the sky, everything is PERFECT to make the ritual work right there and then. All you have to do is to think magically and call in the "magic of accord" to join in with your day to day activities. It's not always such a massive deal as my jacket experience, although I strongly believe that if YOU were to look out for OPPORTUNITIES to call in the magic of accord, you would find many chances to do something like this spontaneously as well. Little things like speaking a silent blessing over a cup of coffee you just made for your friend, or drawing an invisible heart on a child's lunchbox to take to school with them, or seeing someone who is clearly miserable in the street you don't even know and sending them a spontaneous The Gift, there is every opportunity in our day to day life to "let the magic come in" and transform mundane activities into wonderful, resonant experiences that have the power to ripple through lives and change them for the better. A Little Rhyming Spell For Witches Why don't you just speak in rhyme for a day, and all the time? Sister, brother, mother mild, you can drive them screaming wild, when they ask you for advice and you rhyme your answer thrice Every sentence that you speak you must rhyme and rhythm seek and what happens after time is your brain will do this fine doesn't have to be so good long as you are understood its a simple skill you see you can learn that - one, two three! When the time comes then your way where a spell you have to say it will come in rhyming form it is easily the norm! words will flow with elegance lead their own amazing dance rhyming isn't hard you see lots of words from a to z you can play with anytime that is how you learn to rhyme!
Make YOUR moments magical! Blessings all round, StarFields :-)
Added Apr 15, 2008
| 19,380 Reads
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