A Spell To Make My Mother Let Me Drive Her Car!Alright, so at first I giggle when I saw this spell request in the search stats: "I need a spell to make my mother let me drive her car." But then I got a vision/sension on what kind of spell would do the trick. So here it is! The spell to make a mother let her teenage daughter drive her car :-)
Added Nov 6, 2016
| 8,767 Reads
1. Go and buy best car shampoo that money can afford, and a new car sponge and a new leather. 2. Hold the shampoo bottle to your heart, imbue it with love and put it on your altar/empower it as you see fit for three days. 3. Wash the car but make it into a total ritual from the first hosing of water (wash away the old, the new will now unfold!), to "wax on, wax off" with the shampoo, creating a protective energy around the car, a loving energy, and really putting heart and soul into this. 4. "Shining" the car at the end with the leather should seal the whole thing in. Find a protective chant such as, "Drive safe, drive well, this is my loving spell." 5. Polishing optional but advised if mother is particularly hard core, or teenager is known to be particularly accident prone/unreliable. Yes, that should do it. :-)
This spell is a nice example of how you can work practically in conjunction with real energy magic to bring about change. Now my guess is that the teenager in question just wanted to wave a magic wand to make it happen; but for this change to occur, the teenager has to change as well. She has to make a connection with the car - really learn its dimensions by touching it all over during the washing and polishing. The car becomes real, it's a big, powerful thing that can kill with ease. It's important for youngsters to get up close and personal with that. There is physical effort expended, as well as mental/energetic effort to make the car strong, protective, loved. Perhaps if the teenager can't do that, they shouldn't be behind the wheel of the car at this time. It's a very interesting ritual. Something for all car drivers to consider, if they've never done anything like this before. And before anyone asks, of course you can do this same spell for motorbikes and pushbikes, airplanes, tanks, anything you drive and you want it to work well, and be safe and protective for and with you. Starfields November 2016
Added Nov 6, 2016
| 8,767 Reads
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All magic spells, magic articles, text & images by StarFields unless otherwise stated. |