Spell To Be Treated with Love, Respect, and Kindness.
Elizabeth wrote: I need your help (Spell Request) This is why this spell is important to me.
* I feel I'm isolated, and want someone to love Me, caress Me, take care of Me. * I know I'm a nice person . But I just want others to notice it. * I want to receive the recognition I deserve. * I want to awaken each morning with the feeling that I'm going to be treated with love, respect, and kindness.
However, you do have to THINK magically, and ACT in a magical manner. It's simple.
All you need to do is to ...
a) start to treat yourself with love, respect and kindness (that includes the way you speak to yourself, think about yourself, dress yourself, touch yourself, feed yourself, protect yourself, and entertain/delight yourself);
b) start treating other people, especially those who you perceive as isolated, with attention, love, respect and kindness.
This changes YOU *into* someone who will reap what they sow.
It makes you into a better person.
It's ongoing, but it is absolutely essential to leading a full and happy life.
Most of all, it puts YOU in control over who you are, and how you feel.
This is a master law of the universe - magical, energetic, spiritual, practical, all levels. You reap what you sow.
Start sowing!
Blessing you,
PS: I also recommend this for people who feel hard done by, isolated and unloved. Essential reading.