Protection Spell Against Voices
Spell Keywords: Protection against voices, turning off
troublesome voices, silencing voices, distinguishing between beneficial voices
and hurtful voices, more positive internal dialogue, controlling ADI.
Added May 17, 2004
| 21,968 Reads
Protection Against "Voices"
Dedication: Only one voice is real, I can tell it apart my own true voice, the voice of my heart. * Speak this out aloud with both hands on the center of the chest in the Heart Healing position.
The Spell:
Only words of love I hear, only words of love come near other voices fade away in the night and in the day I heed not what they will say loveless voices, fade away!
Break them up and break them down swirl them round and round and round, I heed not what they did say, loveless voices, blow away!
Only words of love I hear only words of love come near only heart's voice in my mind, still and true and loving kind, I regain my Even Flow This is my will, now make it so!
SFX 2004
NB: Repeat this three times or as often as required, and as soon as any problem voices try to come in.
Added May 17, 2004
| 21,968 Reads
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