Magical Properties of Metal![]() Magical Properties Of Metals, Base Metals, Aluminium, Copper, Tin, Iron, Lead, Zinc, Nickel, Precious Metals, Gold, Silver, Platinum, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Osmium, Iridium, Plutonium, Uranium, Transition Metals , Zirconium, Titanium, Chromium, Tungsten, Manganese, Cobalt, Cadmium, Mercury, Metalloids, Gallium, Indium , Thallium, Bismuth, Germanium, Antimony, Magic (Alchemical) Metal Alloys
Added Apr 11, 2006
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Magical Properties Of Metals
Please note: These are essential properties of metal as used in ENERGY MAGIC. Although the some of these metals may be available in physical form, and may be used in their physical existences in many ways, we are dealing here with the ESSENCES of these metals and metalloids. I n other words, we do NOT hold, touch, eat or fashion objects from PHYSICAL Plutonium, Thallium or Mercury; rather, we are handling these essences in the astral space in a strictly "out of body" way.
Magical Properties of Metals: Base MetalsAluminium - The magician's "invisibility metal". Reflects incoming energies and makes the perfect base for magic mirrors. Useful for magical protection if worn as jewellry. Copper is primarily a conductor and it is also a bridge in many ways. It's a good metal to use for a magic wand because of this. Copper can be used to draw away negative energy. Zinc is the metal of magical revelation. It appears innocent and ordinary in its physical state, but on the other levels zinc is an extraordinary event with powerful transformational properties. One of the most fascinating metals to work with in energy magic. Nickel is an extraordinary metal which extends into most dimensions, and has many levels of existence. It is extremely complex and when added to an alloy, increases the complexity of the mix by its very presence. It is therefore useful when additional information or energy is required, or when dealing with trying to solve problems, advance knowledge or a personal breakthrough or threshold shift is required. Magical Properties of Metals: Precious MetalsGold is the sun metal. It has therefore been linked over the millennia with everything to do with health, wealth, and growth. On another level, it is about slow flow towards accomplishment. When working with gold, bear in mind that most things sold as gold these days are alloys. 24k gold is pure gold only. Silver is a high level conductor, an open river that carries all things both ways. Silver absorbs many things but it doesn't store them which makes it into a very good metal for magical charms that need to flow and work on a continuous basis and without needing to be cleaned in between. Silver is also magically neutral. Platinum has been called the "solid wisdom metal". It has a time attribute similar to lead which gives it extra dimensionality and a viewpoint of the wisdom of hindsight (or foresight). Platinum is an excellent metal for soul meditations and to help find and keep on a true road in this lifetime. Ruthenium is an interesting metal which in and of itself isn't that strong, but lends strength when added to gold or platinum. For energy magic, Ruthenium can be a good choice when we need a catalyst to lift existing strengths and qualities to the next level. Rhodium is the metal of achievement beyond earthly wealth, power and respect. Meditations and potions invoking rhodium have the power to move the world in a very different way. Palladium is the metal of guardianship on the highest levels. Not a protector or a teacher, but a stable champion and a friend to keep grounded even when travelling very far from home. Osmium is the metal of endurance beyond reason and strength beyond expectation. Adding the essence of osmium to a potion will evoke the vast reserves of strength which lie within each of us, but which we rarely reach or tap. Iridium is the crucible metal and it is all about staying true to oneself in changing circumstances or even in hell itself. Iridium is helpful when absolute resolve is required; and through this resolve remaining steady, the environment becomes changed instead. A great seed component of energy magic potions that require a miracle to bring about the desired outcome. Plutonium is alive, active and extremely complex. If the energy magician can get away from previous entrainments about this metal, the ability of plutonium to interact with the environment and cause it to change is an extremely powerful change catalyst and change bringer indeed.
Magical Properties of Metals: Transition MetalsZirconium is the first of the transition metals, their very existence being a practical reminder that metals are crystaline in essence - and nothing more so than zirconium, which is manufactured to produce the beautiful artificial cubic zirconia diamonds. Light and strong, lustrous and exceptionally resistant to corrosion, zirconium dances between the planes and keeps its identity regardless of the states it inhabits. Magically, this makes it into a good companion for far journeys, and transmutation. Titanium is a light, strong metal with low density which seems at home most in an oxygen free environment - space metal, in other words. Use for meditations, explorations and invocations of stellar entities, and interstellar communication. Manganese has interesting effects on its environment and belongs to the group of metals used in shape shifting. Because of its ability to both deflect and refract light and energy, it is a flexible shield maker and strengthener, an ally to the traveller.
Magical Properties of Metals: MetalloidsGallium challenges our idea of the established and asks us to let go of preconceptions, stretching our receptive abilities to discover the truth about reality, which is always multi-dimensional. Working with gallium increases intelligence, systemic thinking and reduces fear of the unknown.
Magical Properties of Metals: Energy Magic (Alchemical) Metal AlloysMaking alloys or cocktails out of the various metals and metalloids has long been more than a hobby for both the physical as well as the metaphysical branches of humanity. Alloys often behave entirely differently than any of their parts; they tend to become OTHER THAN the sum of their parts. As in energy magic alloy making you are dealing with at least 31 x 31 possible combinations, and infinitely more if you vary the relative measure of the mixes in the alloys, or mix more than just two, alchemical alloy making is in essence, infinite. No chart or handbook for this kind of thing can be made; an alchemical tool or symbol forged from metal essences can only be computed by the energy mind, and the best we can consciously do is to write down what components went into it with hindsight. Like choosing a combination of essential remedies, essential oils or colours and sounds in the Art Solutions process, it is a question of tuning into each metal and receiving ever refined yes/no answers to choosing the metals, and then their relative quantities when you are making energy magic alloys. This is not difficult; it just requires a little will and practise. It is an absolutely fascinating pursuit and when developed to a good intuitive knowledge of metals, this can be cross-transferred for usage in other forms of energy magic potions which contain all manner of different components, not just metals. Magical Properties of Metals (c) SFX 2006
Added Apr 11, 2006
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