Magic Healing - An Introduction
with Silvia Hartmann
Magic healing is in essence no different from any form of spiritual healing, shamanic healing or energy healing in general - it's just that the various words used to describe the processes are different.
Healing "spells" are healing affirmations and healing prayers; healing "potions" are essentially energy based cocktails that go to the energetic root cause of the problem and not to be confused with strictly chemical medication; healing potions are a form of vibrational or energy healing more closely related to homeopathy than to allopathic medicine from "the chemist".
Magic healing spells, potions and rituals are simply sequences of techniques or patterns to get things done. There is nothing "evil" about magic healing whatsoever; it's simply one of the many cultural forms of basic shamanism that exist in all and every society on Earth.
As healing magic is based on the invisible realms where we have no time and no distance, no gravity and all manner of other interesting difference to the Hard, likewise results can appear to be rather "magical" - when in other descriptions it might be thought of as "miraculous".
All that is just words reflecting from their various societies and ideological ancestries; magic healing is fascinating and if done correctly, has a lightness and a joy about it that recommends it by virtue of structure.
Here are some quick samples of magic healing patterns for beginners. For more in-depth information on magic healing, please see Living Energy, ET Vol.2, and Energy Magic, ET Vol.3.
Distance Healing / Remote Healing - An Easy Magic Healing Ritual Using A Stone
Here is a short story of something that happened just yesterday.
A friend visited us and told us he was worried about his father who had contracted pneumonia and was very ill.
Without thinking about it, I took a blue agate from the window sill. It was very cold in my hand, unusually so, and I said, We'll dedicate this stone to be your father and thus send him some healing.
I held the stone between the palms of both hands to make the connection to this gentleman I've never met, gave my healing and support intention, then passed the stone to the next person in the group.
Everyone took a turn, even the children present. No-one asked or needed to ask what they were supposed to do; the stone made it easy and completely natural to focus their personal healing prayer for his well being. Each person did it fast and with high intensity, which is what works the best and it did not take very long at all.
When the stone came back to me, I sealed the healing intentions and then made a little comfortable nest for the stone from a tiny bowl with some cotton wool in which I placed it on the household altar.
And that was that. We got on with what we were doing.
Three days later, I passed the altar in the afternoon and got a clear message that the stone had finished its task. I took it from its nest, send a final blessing to the unknown gentleman far away, cleared the stone and put it back where it had originally come from.
This wonderful and very powerful personal distance healing/remote healing ritual is extremely easy, immensely natural and the whole thing just flowed, completely integrated into the general activities and I believe that is exactly how magic should be - a part of our every day life and something you just do when you're called upon to do it.
SFX Jan 2005
Healing Magic - Essences Evocations
Healing Spells don't work by making war on the problem or on the symptoms or by bringing in further negativity aka "like healing like". Instead, we evoke something powerfully positive that will cure the problem and re-balance the systems - a healing essence.
Click HERE for a positive energy magic essence for you.
Added Apr 22, 2006
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