Dichroic Glass MagicWhat is dichroic glass? How is it produced? Why does Dichroic Glass lend itself particularly to energy magic? What is a "dichroic catalyst"? Why is the dichroic iridescence so important? These and many other questions are answered here,
Added Jun 5, 2010
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  Dichroic Catalysts - Catalysts For MagicOrigins, Magical Properties & Care Of Your Dichroic Catalystby Silvia Hartmann
What is Dichroic glass and where has it come from?Dichroic glass is a high-tech development from the space industry, first invented to strengthen glass so that astronauts could look out into space by placing a thin layer of various metals inside sheets of glass. This made the dichroic glass strong enough to withstand re-entry into the atmosphere. From the get-go people who worked on the project took pieces home because they were so beautiful and fascinating. Soon, they were adopted for the jewellery industry worldwide. “Dichroic” is defined as the property of having more than one color, especially when viewed from different angles or from transmitted to reflected light. Dichroic glass is produced by a process called “thin film physics” and is generally referred to as a color separator. It is normally used as an interference filter in scientific measuring or correcting applications. Dichroic glass only became available outside of the scientific community a few years ago.  Why is Dichroic Glass so strikingly beautiful?Dichroic coatings transmit certain wavelengths of light, while reflecting others, thus creating an interference-effect similar to the iridescence observed in nature’s fire opal, dragonfly wings and hummingbird feathers. Before dichroic color was developed, there was no man made material which possessed true iridescence.  Why is the Dichroic iridescence so impactful on the Human Energy System?It is the purity of the light as well as the tremendous range of pure colour energy which causes the colours in dichroic glass to be so super intense, and this is what produces powerful emotional and energetic responses. There is a further effect which is related to the fact that looking at abstract art makes you more intelligent - each piece of dichroic glass is a major piece of abstract art in miniature and will trigger areas of the brain not normally used. This also aids in entering into beautiful altered states of awareness easily and naturally.  Why are Dichroics so perfect for Energy Magic?Each individual piece of dichroic glass is absolutely unique. Although the original dichroic coating is produced under strictly controlled conditions to create these effects, when the coating is melted into the glass, it bubbles randomly and becomes completely unique for each and every piece at that moment. This structural uniqueness allows for an Energy Magician to work with the dichroic cabochons innate qualities, strengthen and align them, and build from these qualities an absolutely unique broadcasting device that is an existence across the levels - one of the most unique and precious objects available in magic.
Each dichroic dabochon has a unique combination of colour and energy emission/absorbtion events within its very structure. Â How do you awaken the Dichroic Song?These catalysts are very specifically made by humans for humans, to aid humans in their personal development. The fact that dichroic glass is man-made sets this intention right from the beginning very powerfully and makes using these catalysts a very different experience than working with natural emitters such as crystals. Â How do you choose your dichroic catalyst?It is important to remember that one purchases not a random "one size fits all" energy magic object, but a highly specific energetic entity and energy emitter/absorberwhich is designed to be the "perfect fit" for the needs of one particular person's energy system. You must KNOW that this is the right catalyst for you.
- At the physical level, the cabochons are made of glass. They are thereby quite strong and immune to most acids, for example; however they will scratch and may shatter if not treated with the usual respect .  * Note: This article was accompanying energy magic imprinted dichroic catalysts which were the result of an energy magic research project in 2003-2005. At the time, we had a number of magic jewellery items made featuring imprinted dichroics for sale, such as this one, which is one of my own. I have had this for 13 years now and can attest that it is a truly wonderful thing. I cannot begin to count the times it has been of significant help to reduce stress and keep my energy up in many challenging situations. Starfields 2016
Added Jun 5, 2010
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