Cherry Blossom Love Potion For New Beginnings![]() When we think of a love potion, the first thought is rose, of course. Different kinds and different rose colors for different types of spells, like white rose for spiritual love, yellow rose for friendship, red rose for romance and so on. But there's other things you can make a love potion out of, and cherry blossom, being one of the most powerfully romantic nature moments, makes a special kind of love potion that is quite unlike rose. This is a love potion for the oldest, and the youngest witches - a love potion for new beginnings.
Added Apr 23, 2009
| 105,126 Reads
Cherry Blossom Love Potion For New BeginningsThe Cherry Blossom is a wonderful sight - the pale pink petals fall like snow and so remind us of the turn of the seasons, spring to winter, of the fruit still to come in autumn, and all of that is there as well as this outburst of beauty and life that starts the mating cycle, here and now. A love potion based on Cherry Blossom is a very special thing; it has a very different vibration from the usual rose based potions and there is definitely a sense of transience about it; this is not a "call your soul mate" love potion but more like causing events to happen that can teach us about the nature of love itself, and further our knowledge and education in love. No matter how young and unexperienced (and quite unready in mind, body and spirit for the red rose relationship!) or how old and embittered, the Cherry Blossom love potion offers us a new start in love, to have another go, or to take the first step into a new world of love, both of which can be very scary, if for such very different reasons! But the love you will call with this potion will be light, and delightful. It will cure the young ones and the old ones of their fears by showing them an aspect of love that is eternally young, and always new; thus it cannot be confined into a "marriage until death does us part" type relationship and it will take it's own course. In doing so, and no matter if this love is as short as just a moment, or as long as a year or two or even more, it cures us of the fear of love and gets us ready for other, different kinds of love that await further down the line.
Spell Ingredients: A handful of Cherry Blossom, fresh or dried; 1/4 Cup Clear spirit (Vodka or White Rum); I spoon of sugar; I spoon of salt; I spoon of lemon juice.
Put the spirit in a pan on the cooker. Heat it very gently and stir in the salt and sugar so it has completely dissolved. Add the Cherry Blossom (washed) and stir very well, gently with a wooden spoon. Keep the heat low; this is just to warm the potion, not boil it. Now add the lemon juice and evoke the following spell:
Love light, love bright, love falls like snow tonight, bright petals in the air, bright petals everywhere, I want to dance with love, I take a chance with love, love come to me love set me free love teaches me to be the lover I can be.
By sun and moon, and three times three this is my will so will it be.
Turn off the heat and once cooled down, pour the potion base into a nice bottle. The next day, take three drops in a clear glass of fresh water, three times a day, for three days.
Important note: With this potion, new developments can come quickly. REMEMBER TO FINISH THE WHOLE COURSE of 3x3x3 or things won't work out as well as they could - even if something happens already on the 2nd or 3rd day. Added note: This is a potion for the person to take themselves who are seeking the new love. You don't give it to someone else. You can make the potion for someone else but they should not be your lover or intended target or things can go seriously awry with this love potion. Be lucky in love, SFX 2009
Added Apr 23, 2009
| 105,126 Reads
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