Bushido - The Champion's Vow
This is an update of the Bushido code of the Samurai. It also serves as a very powerful spell or affirmation, to raise energy in a very different way. Especially women can greatly benefit from calling upon "The Champion's Power" because that is often not available as a rule "as a feminine attribute", yet is in many cases exactly what the witch doctor ordered for issues from self actualisation to self esteem.
Added May 22, 2004
| 11,941 Reads
The Champion's Vow I have no home; I am the home. I have no means; I am the means. I have no life; I am life. I have no death; I am death. I have no body; I am the body. I have no mind; I am the mind. I have no heart; I am the heart I have no soul; I am the soul. I have no plan; I am the plan. I have no law; I am the law. I have no strength; I am strength. I have no sword; I am the sword. I have no desire; I am desire. I have no creativity; I am creativity. I have no magic; I am magic. I have no love; I am love. A Simple Champion's Ritual Place two white candles on a surface with a mirror (such as a bathroom shelf) where you can stand up straight and look yourself in the eye, with the candles either side of you. Be clean and preferably nude. Light the candles. Stand up straight and take three deep breaths. Put your hands on the center of your chest and say out aloud, "I am here to re-affirm the Champion's Vow." Now, say one statement after the other. On each half where it says, "I have no ..." have your hands open, palms up, in a "giving away" gesture. On the second half, draw your hands back onto the center of your chest whilst you state "I am ..." Allow the power and energy of that statement to echo round your body and system, wait until it has entirely receded, breathe in and out, bow to yourself in the mirror briefly, then move onto the next statement. After the last statement has echoed its full resonance, take a moment to simply breathe and look into your own eyes, then say, "I have re-affirmed the Champion's Vow." Bow briefly to yourself and blow out the candles. SFX 2004
Added May 22, 2004
| 11,941 Reads
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