A Beauty Spell To ShineMarilyn writes: Dear Starfields, Your website is beautiful! And I am learning sooo much. I would like to request two spells. The first is for me to either find a different (better) job quickly or two remove the negative management currently in place and allow me to grow in my career and shine. The second is for the guy I see to only see me. His eyes wander all over the place to all sorts of women and I feel invisible sometimes - its like he can't help himself. I would love his energy and love to be 100% focused on me. Thank you in advance for your help and your website.
Added Feb 17, 2007
| 31,250 Reads
Dear Marilyn, All men can now see 6. When the spell is done, bow to yourself in the mirror and blow out the candles.
Added Feb 17, 2007
| 31,250 Reads
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All magic spells, magic articles, text & images by StarFields unless otherwise stated. |