Make A JuJu, Moppet, Poppet or Magic Doll Step By Step![]() How To Make A Juju. Magic Doll, Basic Poppet Or Moppet - Moppet Making Made Easy with SFX :-) You can use the same basic technique with anything, from washing line to jungle vine, from straw to fabric, from metal wire to silk cord, and make your juju, moppet or poppet in any size at all. Jujus, worry dolls, magic dolls, poppets or moppets have 1001 magical uses, so be inventive! All my loved ones still have a JuJu on their car mirrors for protection and good luck. Hint!
Added Oct 19, 2018
| 137,791 Reads
How To Make A Juju Doll, Basic Poppet, Moppet, Magic Doll
Moppet Making Made Easy with SFX :-) You can use the same technique with anything, from washing line to jungle vine, from straw to fabric, from metal wire to fishing line, and make your juju, moppet or poppet in any size at all. Jujus, magic dolls, poppets or moppets have 1001 magical uses, so be inventive! Step 1 is to get your juju or moppet making material ready. For this example I've used knitting wool in the 3 German colours because its easier to see. Juju Making Top Tips:
Now make a knot. That's going to be the juju's head. Make a second, slightly shorter loop for the juju's arms.
Make two knots either end. Those are going to be the juju's hands.
Split the wool under the juju's head in half. Lay the arms in between the top and bottom layer. Push them up firmly under the juju's head. Use a piece of wool to make the juju's bodice and to hold the arms firmly in place.
Now split the bottom loop sideways to make the juju's legs. Cut the looped strings so they are open. Note: If you want to make a girl juju with a skirt instead of two legs, you can just trim the bottom at this point.
For the standard juju, tie off the legs to make his feet.
Trim off extra bits of string from the hands and feet. And here we are - a basic juju, ready for hair dressing and to decorate further if you want. A tip - you can carefully comb out his hair to make it fuzzy or more hair like, then braid it again if you want.
Once you can make a basic juju or moppet, you can personalise them in many different ways. This pink moppet has beads in her hair and a crystal heart necklace. If you wanted to, you could sew a little face on your moppet. Note: This moppet has been tied up with sewing yarn instead of making knots to make the hands smaller and more elegant, and to be able to use more wool for the skirt and the hair. Too much wool and the knots become too big.
White Spirit Warrior Juju with crystal soul shield
A traditional "Party People" party spirit Juju below, which is made out of multicoloured wool.
Sunshine Juju made from white, yellow and golden wool with topaz necklace and pearl and topaz beads in its hair. This juju has wire in his arms, body and feet, it can stand up and it's poseable too. Teensy Juju / Moppet below. You can make them even smaller if you use yarn instead of wool for the body too. Here are some ideas for making jujus, magic dolls, moppets or poppets. In general, jujus are helpful little spirits so they're good for:
Making jujus, moppets and poppets is very relaxing, therapeutic and meditative. With a bit of creativity added, you can make your jujus into little fairies, or give them some wings to make little angels if that fits better with your religious views. The idea of bringing in the support of loving, friendly, helpful little spirits is the same. A fun magic thing to do for kids and beginners, and for the more advanced energy magician, a powerful and delightful way to make some magic that is modern as well as primal and always personal and effective.
How to make a Juju, Moppet or Poppet (c) SFX May 2011 See also: Voodoo In A Nutshell - Voodoo Dolls - Spirit Doll Venus - JuJu Spirit Dolls - Voodoo Dolls & Pins
Worry DollsI really enjoyed making the teensy juju for this article so I made a set of Worry Dolls. They are really neat. They can worry about stuff for you but they can also do other things. You can give each one a task to do, or a wish, a want, something to sort out. I was quite intrigued what I asked mine to do and I thoroughly enjoyed making them. Have a go!
Added Oct 19, 2018
| 137,791 Reads
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