Magic, Spells & Potions

3 Simple Spells For World Energy Awareness Day 888 - August 8th

3 Simple Spells For World Energy Awareness Day 888 - August 8th

August 8th at 8pm is the World Energy Awareness Event. It is a global effort by energists around the world to work their magic at the energy levels to have more people awaken to the fact that there is energy, there is magic in the world, and that far from being Satanic in some bizarre way, it is not only completely natural and right, but also essential to learn, understand and study the energy worlds as a proper human being who lives life in accordance to the laws of the Universal Creative Order.

You can find out more about WEAE here: and now, here are 3 Spells For The World to choose from: A Simple Wand Spell - Simple Pendulum Spell- Simple Fire Spell (also good for groups).

A Simple Wand Spell


Magic Wand Spell for Energy 888

1. Go to (thats a web page with a large spinning globe on it to help you focus on The World and you can also choose some music to help you get in the right frame of mind).

2. Get out your wand, hold it in both hands close to your heart, with the tip somewhere near your Third Eye point, close your eyes and take three deep breaths in and out.

3. Feel the energy build up in you as you do this, feel your spine and your hands becoming tingly as energy starts to flow.

4. Open your eyes and point your wand at the world. Let energy flow gently and lovingly through your wand to the world, allow it to move as it wants as you think/say/evoke:

This is our world as it is mine

the time has come to rise and shine

to know the truth of love and light

to make what once went wrong go right

Awaken souls and be set free

This is my will, so shall it be.

5. Let the energy flow through your wand to the world until you feel it is complete.

6. Bow to the world, kiss your wand and - well done!


Sparkly magic divider


A Simple Pendulum Spell

This is a vPendulum spell using a map of the worldery classic and traditional type of spell; here we use the pendulum instead of the wand, and instead of the computer screen, a map of the world.

1. Place the map on the floor or on a table top in such a way that you can get enough hight so the the pendulum can move freely over the map.

2. Light three white candles and place them left, right and behind the map (opposite to where you are sitting/standing) so that the three candles and you form a square with the map on the inside of it.

3. Hold your pendulum to your heart, close your eyes, take three deep breaths and focus on your desire to have the world become more enlightened, more love orientated, more aware of energy and the real magic that exists in the Universe.

4. When you are ready, hold the pendulum over the map. Allow it to move in any way it wants as your energy flows through your hand, down the string and from there out to the world.

5. Evoke/think/say all at the same time:

This is our world as it is mine

the time has come to rise and shine

to know the truth of love and light

to make what once went wrong go right

Awaken souls and be set free

This is my will, so shall it be.

6. Let the pendulum move freely and do its work until you can feel it is done. You might find it moves around to different areas of the map and does different types of movements over different areas. Just let it do its thing until you can feel that you are done.

7. Bow to the world, kiss your pendulum, thank and blow out the candles - well done!


Sparkly magic divider


A Simple Fire Spell

Fire spell burning paper in a fire with the word war written on it1. Prepare some small pieces of paper for you to write on. Get your magic pen and your magic ink ready.

2. Make a fire (sensibly and safely of course).

3. Sit with the fire for a moment and focus on the state of the world today.

4. Now write down on the paper one thing each you want to change or heal about the world, whatever it may be. War, hunger, fear, narrow mindedness, sadness, whatever you think the world (of human beings) needs to move beyond.

5. As soon as you have written the thing you want to change or heal or evolve on the paper, put it to the flames and evoke/think/say:

The old is gone, the new begun, this is my will, so shall it be.

6. Keep writing, feeding the fire and evoking until you can feel that it is done.

7. Now take all the pieces of paper you have left over, put them in the fire and say/think/evoke the World Energy Awareness Spell:

This is our world as it is mine

the time has come to rise and shine

to know the truth of love and light

to make what once went wrong go right

Awaken souls and be set free

This is my will, so shall it be.

8. You can sit with the fire and meditate a little longer if you wish; when you are ready, thank the fire, scatter the ashes and - well done!

NB: The fire spell is very good to do with a group of people who take it in turns to put their paper into the fire, and all hold hands and say the final spell together at the end.


Sparkly magic divider


And there we have it!

Three simple, basic spells for World Energy Awareness Energy888.

You can do these spells at any time, not just on the day or night; the world (of men) needs to change its ways and every intention we can bring to that, at any time, anywhere, is a job well done.

Bright Blessings to All,


Official Sponsor, World Energy Awareness Event


Earth Spell 2 Spinning Globe


PS Also check out this, it's awesome: Pure EMO Energy Meditation for Energy888

And my favourite: A Project Sanctuary Classic Game For Energy888


Happy World Energy Event Everyone!

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