Magic, Spells & Potions

Spell To Restore A Reputation

Spell To Restore A Reputation

I get *a lot* of requests (interestingly, more than I do for love spells, even!) from people who feel that their reputation has been tarnished unfairly - that people are saying things about them that are not true and those are usually not good things.

This spell is designed to affect one person or an entire group or society and remove those negative ideas, restoring the reputation in the process and giving the person a chance to prove who they really are. This is a simple spell but powerful if done with heart and soul; honesty in the preparation stage is of the essence or it WILL fail.



Spell To Restore The Reputation

1. Write out each accusation on a small piece of paper. Write it exactly as "they" would say it, don't make it any prettier or else it won't work. When you have all that you want removed on the small pieces of paper, you are ready for step 2.

2. Find a pot or some other safe place to make a small fire in. It doesn't have to be a big fire. If you have problems with that where you live, placing a candle into a pot to provide the fire will do the trick. You also need a small amount of salt.

3. Light the fire, sit before, sprinkle a little salt onto the fire from your hand and say:

I call upon the forces of the universe
above and below, within and without,
to aid me and support me on this day.

Take three deep breaths in and out before proceding to step 4.

4. Look into the fire/flame and say:

As this fire burns
so the tide now turns
wipe away the old
let the new unfold

By the stars above
and the earth below
this is is my will,
now make it so.

5. Now burn the strips of paper and for each and every one, say:





... until all the paper has been burned.

6. When all the paper has been burned completely, take another little bit of salt, throw it onto the fire from your hand and say,

The old is gone,
the new begun,
my will is done.

7. Say:

I thank the forces of the universe
above and below, within and without,
in love and gratitude.
Thank you.

Bow your head, and now the spell is done.

SFX Nov 2006

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