Magic, Spells & Potions

Money In My Pocket

Money In My Pocket

coin for money in my pocket money spell articleThis is a fast and fun spell you can drum, clap, sing, chant, think whenever you get worried about money.

Kids and children love this spell too and it is a right antidote to thinking of money as being this horrible dour black nasty thing you still can't get enough of!

Note: This is from 2004 but it's really helpful, works like a charm so I brought it back.

Money In My Pocket

Money in my pocket
and money in my hand
money in my home
and money in my bank

Money streams towards me
like the river to the sea
its easy and its wonderful
as counting 1-2-3!

...and ...

There's money in my pocket
and money in my hand,
money in my home
and money in my bank.

Wherever I shall go
and whatever I may do
I clearly state the fact
its true and it is so!

NB: You can now loop this by repeating this verse:

Money streams towards me
like the river to the sea
its easy and its wonderful
as counting 1-2-3! .
.. and there's ...

... and starting the whole thing all over again.


Try this with some friends just for fun and drum the beat on the table, it's a great friendly fun spell that leaves a smile and a giggle in the air.

SFX 2004



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