Magic, Spells & Potions

How To Make An Essence Burner

How To Make An Essence Burner

The Essences Burner is a truly essential item for any energy magician. It allows any kind of essence to be "burned" into water, oil, charms, gems, crystals, or indeed any form of material.

Essential Equipment - The Essences Burner

A simple home made essences burnerThe Essences Burner is a truly essential item for any energy magician. It allows any kind of essence to be "burned" into water, oil, charms, gems, crystals, or indeed any form of material.

In this illustration, a completely available and ordinary oil warmer is used. There are many truly fantastic designs for these on the market, but something as simple as this will do just as well - it is just a miniature cooking stove.

Place the receptor (in this case, a bottle containing oil) on the top of the dish.

In the bottom, place a fine layer of clear quartz crystals. These are going to help "push" the essence up towards the carrier faster and more powerfully.

Now, place the item of essence (in this case a pink rose) inside to become the "fire" beneath the carrier.

Our essence is cooking, and now it is just a question as to how long you keep this until it is done.

Don't overcook your essence!

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